Amazon is ready to fire people who are working from home

What is Amazon's return-to-office policy?

A US company, Amazon is empowering managers to confront and fire employees who don't comply with the mandate.

Amazon circulated the guidance internally last week to managers informing them of the disciplinary process for those who fail to

disciplinary process for those who fail to report to the office at least three days a week, Insider reported.

What is Amazon's return-to-office policy?

Starting off this year, the management of Amazon already informed its employees that they will only allow two days in a week to work from home.

The present CEO of Amazon Andy said, that some of the workers are exempt from the mandate, and most of the employees

and most of the employees would need to start working in the office at least three days a week by May.

As per the business insider report, Managers of Amazon employees already told to the employees to come office three days in a week which is mandate.