A man hides about the huge jackpot he won from his family.


Date - 24 October 2023

People who buy lottery tickets and think about winning the jackpot. However, there is a person in the US who won a huge jackpot and hide from his wife and kids.

In a recent segment of "The Ramsey Show," an unidentified caller using the pseudonym "John" shared with the show's host,

Dave Ramsey, that he and his colleagues had struck gold by winning a multi-state lottery, a secret only divulged to his spouse and a single sibling.

"John" mentioned that he delved into the pitfalls often associated with lottery winners, one of which is oversharing the news,

as this tends to generate unwarranted expectations for financial assistance and freebies from others.

The caller elaborated, "My spouse and I intentionally opted to maintain a low profile about our winnings. We haven't even disclosed this to our two teenage kids.

It might sound peculiar, but we're concerned about them developing an expectation that they'll inherit our wealth by just waiting for our demise."

"John" indicated that he doesn't have an absolute intention to withhold this information from his children indefinitely. However, he also hasn't revealed the news to his parents.

Almost a month after his lottery victory, "John" revealed that an interesting turn of events occurred when his wife's great-uncle passed away and

bequeathed an inheritance to her and her siblings. He humorously referred to this as their "cover story" when they extend financial help to others using their lottery winnings.

The couple has employed various strategies to keep their financial windfall a secret from their children and parents. Their family home had already been mortgage-free before their lottery triumph

and they had also paid for two Toyota vehicles in full prior to their win. "John" stressed that they are not actively seeking any extravagant upgrades.

During the conversation with Ramsey, the lottery winner also mentioned that he had sought and received prudent investment advice.

He highlighted the presence of a dedicated "team" of advisors who are guiding him in managing the newfound wealth, much to Ramsey's approval.